Beijing stable shelves analysis the competition  on the market 

Today to talk about the market on the shelves of the dispute, Qian Yongchang is in July 17, 2011 in Beijing, China's rapid consumer goods logistics and supply chain management forum to do the above said. This forum is organized by the global supply chain magazine and the China Transportation Association, the 80 well-known enterprises from the domestic and foreign fast consumer goods industry to participate in the 1 days of the meeting, the fast consumer goods industry, logistics operations and supply chain management, and other aspects of the front along the subject of in-depth discussion.

Shelf display just fast moving consumer goods industry supply chain terminal table like, and its essence is supply chain initiative to consumers by the chain is the core enterprise of transfer. China Transportation Association, the former Minister of the Ministry of transport Qian Yongchang believes that the logistics industry is to the social, large-scale, professional, information and standardization of the direction of the logistics industry is a mature symbol of the rapid consumer goods, including logistics, including the formation of a variety of professional logistics, and only do fine to form the core competitiveness of logistics enterprises. He said: "in my personal impression, the formation of consumer goods logistics is the earliest, in the entire logistics is also mature earlier."

Today, the terminal FMCG supply chain, Carrefour, WAL-MART, Lianhua, 7-11 on the shelf. Here, Persil and tide's price has always shoulder to shoulder, Yanjing beer and Tsingtao beer for the best position, shampoo today Mart tomorrow Shulei, total brand new remind you keep trying, and arranged open taste almost the same all egg yolk pie, multinational and domestic brand is on the shelf inch of the fierce battle. P & G China Company customer business development manager Lv Xin said, the retail store shelves and display is the performance of the supply chain.

Behind the surface of the performance, is the cost of competition. Reduce costs, and continuously reduce the cost is a compulsory course for the enterprise. The competition on the shelves has even spread to the warehouse on the shelves. Kaf national storage / Transportation Manager Shu Xunhong to ask his 6 questions every day: what to do? How much? What time do you do? Where to do? Where is it? So seriously, the purpose is to the both transparent and hidden costs. To this end, he collects data on each of the storage and transportation links, the establishment of mathematical models, today's analysis, tomorrow and then analysis, and then analyze the next month.

However, shelf logistics managers will still asked such a question: why our inventory than rival high? Why do we have a better product than others? Lok Si Hu Min, general manager of the consulting company to give us a data: last year, China's retail sales report shows that the goods on the shelf up to 10%. Withdrawal of goods so that the loss of sales opportunities, thereby pushing the entire industry lost 10% of sales. To ensure timely supply, meet the requirements of freshness, inventory must be higher, more difficult to cost down. How to meet the needs of customers, and continue to reduce costs, to find a balance in the contrary, the enterprise has realized that the entire supply chain must improve the efficiency of operation. Come from: Tags: warehouse shelves, warehouse shelves, heavy shelves, warehouse shelves
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